Would you Like to Build a Labrynth?

Walking meditation labyrinths have been around for centuries. One of the most famous is the ancient labyrinth in Chartres France (pictured above) which was constructed in the 15th century. 

Fortunately for us, we don’t have to travel far to find a great labyrinth! Friend and member, Andrew Caldwell, has been constructing copies of the Chartres walking labyrinth since 2005 and he’s looking for your help!

The Chartres labyrinth is a “12-tiered” labyrinth. It has a 100 foot diameter and takes 15-20 minutes to walk with a slow, meditative pace and a total walking distance of 1 mile. Be aware that this is not a “maze”, there are no junctions of the path. There is an entrance which then leads you on a winding walk to the center and back out again.

Our labyrinth will be constructed at New River Park in Beckley, WV using soccer field paint, which is biodegradable and lasts for several weeks, so even if you’re not helping with the construction effort, don’t forget to take advantage of it while it’s there!

The construction usually takes about 4 hours of work, which includes a lot of bending over, and 4-5 volunteers.

We will be constructing the labyrinth this year in late Summer, early Fall.

If you would be willing to help construct this lovely, transient gift for health and mental wellness, please contact Andrew Caldwell by Saurday, June 25th and let him know!

Some images below for inspiration and a great article on walking labyrinths!
